Back to: I am confused! What is the question I resist answering?

The Witch Hat
FALL: What am I afraid to lose or not get?
RISE: WHY am I working SO hard at proving myself?
⇊ The Hat Says ⇊
I wear my cross, physically and metaphysically, to insure that I wouldn’t remain in the place circled for me: where the human effort to rise to the divine blissfully sports with the horizon. Moreover, while guided by the FOUR, I cannot lose my sense of direction: if I must be a Witch, then WHICH one am I: do I come from the West or the North?
On the dark side of the MOON, there’s MOONEY! While I hear the truth of “money, it’s a gas” as money is indeed an air-like fluid construct, I’m not entirely comfortable with the idea of getting loose with it, and losing it all… I see $$ as an Earth grounding when one lives my life in Ether! Yet not letting go of that false security turns me into a Vampire, hungry for blood. While I hear Truth, WHY am I so afraid to be set free?
BECAUSE I know well that, should I adopt the impeccable discipline necessitated by my calling, I’ll truly DIE!
My gift is a B-ROOM, a “PAIRfect” sex symbol (male handle, female twigs) that makes me complete. I can now jump over, to make room and be-ROOM for something to change. IT opens to a love so light it flies me to the Moon, free to spell release as “real ease!” It also transforms my Martian wars into Peace.
⇊ Alphabet Glyph & Evolution ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ Falling / Rising Perspectives ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ The Path on the Tree of Life ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ Traditional Tarot Correspondence ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.