Back to: I am confused! What is the question I resist answering?
The Pirate Hat
FALL: What might I be reluctant to GIVE and forGIVE?
RISE: Do I know enough to forgive “them?”
⇊ The Hat Says ⇊
Psalm 13 asks: “How long will you forget me, LORD? How long will the enemy triumph over me?” How long will I lose myself in the outer world, out of trying to be heard and recognized? How long will I be an Addict, going to insane extremes, and incapable to find my center, when I am naturally a Mediator, and speak words of mediation?
Death makes the Scorpio in me utterly uncomfortable, as I know that its keyword “I desire” for the little self alone, has to go, to make way for a greater desire that honors the whole of life. Therein – in THE END of desire – is the death I try to postpone! Yet I keep on resisting my good, educing pain, sorrow, struggle: indeed, I keep on rejecting me, while fearing others’ rejection of me! As much as I think I have time, Death will rob the yes, BUTT out of my ASSets, until I know that I don’t own a thing, neither my career, my savings, my house, my children, my body, my beliefs; not even my name! This too shall pass! When ready to plunge into the Underworld, I’ll hear my heart, and learn that LOVE is indeed stronger than death!
Thus my gift is of bones: they speak to me of the essence that supports the whole of Good & Evil. Bones are mortality and permanence beyond death. Moreover, I am at my truest, when stripped to the bones.
⇊ Alphabet Glyph & Evolution ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.
⇊ Falling / Rising Perspectives ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.
⇊ The Path on the Tree of Life ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.
⇊ Traditional Tarot Correspondence ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.