Back to: I am confused! What is the question I resist answering?

The Aviator Beanie
FALL: WHY being poor and sick when I could choose Health?
RISE: Just how much AbunDANCE and PLAYsure can I accept?
⇊ The Hat Says ⇊
Being an angel, I take myself so lightly I can fly. I am Tav, the “note;” as the sign or sigh heard as the “sing of sings.” I am also the place where I am asked to “sign” right here, making me the mark not to be missed! Such presence Ascends me out of Scare City, into Abun-Dance. By Jupiter, I know I am enough, and that there’s always more!
Free flight is tons of fun; no weight issue, no crippling gravity, no fear of death! I’ve touched bottom, and failed so many times that I REALLY touched bottom: pure GRace! So now, I Am free to fly and to fall, reversing the Alpha-BeT into TeB-ahplA, from T to B to A, TBA for “To Be Announced;” also as in “Tav Beanie Aviator.” I’m clueless: my plane could break down in the Sahara desert for all I know, and I could meet a French Little Prince, asking me to draw him a sheep! Yep, I fly a PLANE and drop the PLAN.
My gift is a helix: I turn (the other cheek), and inscribe the GOD DNA over the pain story, singing a Turn/ReTURN “to everything (twirl, twirl, twirl)… There is a season (twirl, twirl, twirl)…” It winds and unwinds the thought that I am the body or that I did something wrong (“how did I get here?”), so that I’d cruise in total pleasure!
⇊ Alphabet Glyph & Evolution ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ Falling / Rising Perspectives ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ The Path on the Tree of Life ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ Traditional Tarot Correspondence ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.