Solo Courses

Home » Solo Courses
Welcome! I am now in the eXPloRing channel of Golden XPR

I played, I liked and I came to the next level of engagement in using the mirror of Golden XPR to discover my true nature.

I’m an explorer… Nothing quite like a solo adventure in an unfamiliar territory! I’m the curious type: “hmm, what an interesting creation!” Learning on my own is at once uplifting and unnerving, as I only have me, myself and “eye” on whom to bounce ideas… And I do enjoy working at my own pace and being responsible for my own growth… It sharpens my mind!

These courses will cost me from $22 to $333 (laser sessions included), and can be found below.

Note to 1-on-1 Mystery School clients: These courses are available upon request and included in your tuition. If they do not show up on your dashboard, please contact us and we will get them added for you.

Just a thought – how true is this for me? I am ready to explore strange new WORDS, and boldly go where no mind has gone – in the etheric field mostly unknown as “S/Hebrew,” whose codes that may just be the best predictors thus far of the inclinations of collective unconscious.

Map to Infinity…

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