Back to: I am confused! What is the question I resist answering?
The Safari Hat
FALL: Might my preferences be limiting my movement?
RISE: Am I denying my jealousy?
⇊ The Hat Says ⇊
I dared stretching beyond the illusion that something out there could make me happy! My Healer has healed itself: I am no longer a Murderer, which frees me to fly to the moon! I can now allow myself to feel intensely, from the fire of passion to the cool of a cucumber… I lay eyes on territories whose natural beauty is greater than what can be fathomed.
Yes, I’ve experienced the end of the road again and again, and spent a great many nights lonely and crying: yet I was the one who abandoned me by letting my sins fence me in! Truth be told, the Cancer in me would resort to being comfortably numb, rather than embracing the darkness of a situation! And since I wouldn’t feel, I could never heal: I would just kill my potential again and again!
Now, when I have an OBE (Out of Body Experience), it is not out of escaping reality! My astral travels take me to the heART. I can just close my eyes and don’t ever have to check (or have) luggage again!
My gift is a Parallel Plane of Existence Ticket: now that time is on my side, I am like a kid in a candy store: I have at my disposal an array of holodecks and parallel worlds in which I go play and create, as I voyage in between “planes!” This kind of “WHY age” does actually keep me young, and rejuvenating!
⇊ Alphabet Glyph & Evolution ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.
⇊ Falling / Rising Perspectives ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.
⇊ The Path on the Tree of Life ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.
⇊ Traditional Tarot Correspondence ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.