Back to: I am confused! What is the question I resist answering?

The Fisherman Hat
FALL: WHY am I so angry? Did I just attach to a “should?”
RISE: Am I too attached to an outcome to enjoy the “Princess/Process?”
⇊ The Hat Says ⇊
Since I am dead (:-)), I should be able to be patient, right? Patience is fishy business, and only found by going in the deep! That’s how Moses and Jesus are called “fishes!” Women learn patience by way of pregnancy, men, by goin’ fishin’: both the baby and the fish can’t be hurried! The secret to waiting is to fully accept pain (the Latin root of word “patience”), that is, to not judge what is. This is easier said than done, especially when I have the marked tendency to play victiM!
My hanging with Mem is both the Medium and the Message: adopt a path of least resistance! Being like Water is how I Merry-Meet, Marry-Merge the Male and fe-Male parts of me… Whether expecting or fishing, it makes my Officer effective: instead of trying to make things happen and focusing on the fruit of my work, I am present to the work, perfectly still and alive to the moment. Since I can’t know what’s for my highest good, I might as well surrender! Once on the Middle path, I find that I can think, wait, and fast; what freedom!
My gift is Vitamin Sea: non-resistance boosts my immune system, lowers hyper tension, treats all sorts of dis-ease, maintains elasticity…
⇊ Alphabet Glyph & Evolution ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ Falling / Rising Perspectives ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.

⇊ The Path on the Tree of Life ⇊
This content is available in the full version. Get your free trial by filling in and submitting the form below.

⇊ Traditional Tarot Correspondence ⇊
Subscribe and deepen your inquiries ($10 / month, cancel anytime). This offer includes:
- Complete access to all tarot content.
- Prompts to deepen your inner listening.
- An online journaling tool to capture insights from your inquiry.
- Monthly interactive Zoom group class where Maha, the author of this work, will take your questions.
- Access to the last 3 session recordings.