Mahalene Louis

My name is Mahalene (Maha for short). I am the co-founder of emPowering NOW and its CEA or Chief Executive Advisor, Author and Artist.
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5. WHY Can’t I be like a ThREE?

BECAUSE I don’t know how to embrace my Nature, which is to give it all! But what if I had the Wisdom of the ages at my fingertips? Truth is truth: just like there is a “Tree of Life” whose wheels are named chakras in Sanskrit, there is also a Tree of Life whose wheels […]

5. WHY Can’t I be like a ThREE? Read More »

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4. Is Golden XPR For me?

First, I need to be sick and tired of being sick and tired of self-imposed limitations. Then I must be hungry for transcendence, for a sense of awe that stretches me toward something greater than myself. Also, be passionate about freedom, servant leadership, the work of transformation, authentic relating, and creativity. Welcome home! Map to

4. Is Golden XPR For me? Read More »

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