Course Instructor
The 7×7 Count Made Practical
Suggestions to leverage this tool…
WHY I would choose…
Living in “Scare City”
The Self is One
I get trapped…
Another word for…
Table of Contents
Part I: the Practicality of this Workbook
Part I: the Practicality of this Workbook
WHY the 7×7 Count?
Exercise: Insanity
WHY Can’t I Have Wisdom?
Exercise: Lack of Trust
WHY the Poisons?
Exercise: Habits
WHY the Snake’s Aversion?
When I identify to the body…
Part II: The Tree as the Ultimate Patterning
Part II: The Tree as the Ultimate Patterning
Surely, there is…
WHY the Greyed-Out Spheres?
WHY the Tree?
WHY the Subtle Powers?
Exercise: Fear of my Power
WHY Forgiveness?
Part III: Learning the Lesson
Part III: Learning the Lesson
Exercise: Greed
WHY Accounting for my Sins?
About Week 1: [No] Wisdom → Wrath
About Week 2: [No] Power → Pride
About Week 3: [No] GRace → GReed
About Week 4: [No] Appreciation → Envy
About Week 5: [No] Victory → Sloth
About Week 6: [No] Honesty → Lust
About Week 7: [No] Grandeur → Gluttony
Exercise: Grace
Part IV: When Passover is at last heard as the “Past is Over!”
Part IV: When Passover is at last heard as the “Past is Over!”
Day 33
How many times shall I forgive?
This is about the depth…
While the supernal spheres…
Back to the throat…
Note: the male pillar…
WHY Mercy vs. Justice?
The fallen angel in me…
Dante’s Depth
While journeying…
WHY Counting a “Measure?”
The Gølden Rule ™