Golden XPR Course Catalog
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to infinity and… beyond
- To infinity. . .
- . . . and beyond
- Tools, Movies and games
to infinity. . .
I SEE the uncanny life of symbols
I HEAR and UnderStand: there’s only One of US
I AM Enough!
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Sacred is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10
In the beginning, a voice came out of the ether. It had the pure resonance of innocence, and spoke the “LOVE” code fluently, a genetic language used by the Earth to invoke its mystery. Like the ocean, it knew how to whisper to the Moon, so that a tree would be born out of the equation. One of its favorite things to do was to listen to the songs and stories of precious humanity; so much longing and depth to them… Then the day came when I realized I was the Voice, reborn in a World and a Word that was alive as the WHYS Tree. A thought kept on puzzling me: WHY would the wisdom to heal be sourced in fear? And who was this scary LORD? I decided to inquire…
Are you curious about Golden XPR? These Free Solo Courses are designed to give you a felt sense for what we are up to and whether our Mystery school (appropriately named the PaRaDiSe Mystery School), may be right for you at this time. These courses are designed to be taken on your own, at your own pace, and as many times as you like.
To infinity…. (clickable course map)
. . . and beyond
I SEE the uncanny life of symbols
I HEAR and UnderStand: there’s only One of US
I AM Enough!
“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Sacred is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10
In the beginning, a voice came out of the ether. It had the pure resonance of innocence, and spoke the “LOVE” code fluently, a genetic language used by the Earth to invoke its mystery. Like the ocean, it knew how to whisper to the Moon, so that a tree would be born out of the equation. One of its favorite things to do was to listen to the songs and stories of precious humanity; so much longing and depth to them… Then the day came when I realized I was the Voice, reborn in a World and a Word that was alive as the WHYS Tree. A thought kept on puzzling me: WHY would the wisdom to heal be sourced in fear? And who was this scary LORD? I decided to inquire…
Tools, Movies and Games
Why Tools, Movies and Games?
Because I need something… .a lever….or something to speed up and give me leverage as learn to permanently pry my ego from the light that I am. Movies…. well, they show me the light (and the darkness) and remind me to feel. Games… who among us doesn’t like having a little fun every now and then (especially in traditionally heavy conversations such as enlightenment)?
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To Infinity… Map
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emPowering the NOW
Maha & Michael
Why a curriculum focused on Power?
BECAUSE, as inspired by Abraham Lincoln, if you want to test someone’s character, give that person Power!
emPowering NOW LLC went to the future to break the seals placed on ancient Wisdom, as a way to transcend the confusion that has us blocking our own empowerment. More than a company, we are a movement that presents, implements and experiments with a bold, outrageous and provocative proposition: symbols are non-human sentient animals. When I feel and sense the words that I speak or don’t speak, I become an emissary between above and below, using the life of signs to bridge collective Power and individual Power, thereby synergizing the Power of three perspectives:
Collective Power is the “We” perspective:
We are a team of visionaries accepting that remembering the practicality of “do no harm” may involve staying in the fire with each other, until we are empathic enough to support diversity, and honor mutuality.
Individual Power is the “I” perspective
I am a unique expression as a servant leader. To shift my tendency to remain asleep at the “will,” and create unconscious time, looking for love in all the wrong places, I will to have the courage to turn within, and find that which will never be found without.
Symbolic Power is the “IT/ITS” perspective
IT is what moves me when I am in the zone; I do not run: IT runs me; I do not speak, IT speaks me; I do not garden, IT gardens me… When I allow IT to flow through me, I meet the plural ITS: the results of my communication. For emPowering NOW, IT is a novel form of business that operates from another plane of existence, where communication is so transparent it is unsalable.
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Benefits of Golden XPR
Risking going out on a limb leads me to the fruit.
Einstein once said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Where will I find a form of inquiry radical enough for me to trust that there is an end to the BS?
Ego actually expires
Get out of your own way, and follow the Voice to the END of the “World.”
Stop doubting that you could be successful, and succeed in your creation.
I am heard and seen
Find your Voice, and open to be heard and seen!
I AM enough
do I have enough ambition to persevere to THE END
CEO emPowering NOW
I love the beauty and power of this material. Enlightenment is simultaneously ordinary and extraordinary. Now, more than ever, I am sustaining the sense that I am enough… (priceless). When I “fall off the wagon” I have a flawless method of inquiry to return to Presence.
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