eXPiRe Course Catalog

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I inSPiRe

These artistic offerings are introductory materials.  They are self paced and usually set to music or voice and are here to give you a feel for the concepts and beauty of the Path of eXPiRe.


  • Free mini-course
  • Solo. Internet., 10 min.


  • None

Course Inquiry:

  • Why am I so Powerless to heal?
  • Why do I feel SO lonely at times


  • UnderStanding what’s in my way.
  • UnderStanding signs are vital to (my) life.

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I eXPloRe

These offerings give you the possibility of applying the eXPiRe tools directly in your life situation on your own.  They will give you a strong feel of what we are up to, and whether or not this material may be right for you at this time.

  • Site registration required


  • Although not absolutely required it is helpful to have experience with some if not all previous courses including: The WHYS Little Bit, The WHYS Bite, Hear/See.

Course Inquiry:

  • WHY cannot I create my preferred reality?
  • WHY am I repeating the same error?


  • UnderStanding destiny, free will, and creation.
  • UnderStanding the order behind creativity.


  • Solo / One-on-One and/or Community/
  • Tuition – most offerings are free or according your the Sense of Enough contributions

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I eXPeRiment

These offerings give you the possibility of experimenting with the practicality the Path of eXPiRe tools directly in your life situation.

The materials are in support of newcomers and “old-timers” alike, and will meet you right where you are.  Our gatherings will give you a strong feel of what we are up to, and whether this material may be right for you at this time.

  • Site registration required


  • Although not absolutely required it is helpful to have experience with some if not all previous courses including: The WHYS Little Bit, The WHYS Bite, Hear/See.

Course Inquiry:

  • WHY cannot I create my preferred reality?
  • WHY am I repeating the same error?


  • UnderStanding destiny, free will, and creation.
  • UnderStanding the order behind creativity.


  • Solo / One-on-One and/or Community/
  • Tuition – most offerings are free or according your the Sense of Enough contributions

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I eXPeRience

This category of courses is for those or you who are ready to deepen or to consider deepening your studies on the  Path of eXPiRe and is a prerequisite for The WHYS Tree.


  • Although not absolutely required it is helpful to have experience with some if not all previous courses including: The WHYS Little Bit, The WHYS Bite, Hear/See, PaRaDiSe Circle

Course Inquiry:

  • WHY and how do I do harm? WHY cannot I know my purpose?


  • UnderStanding WHY I play the games I play in limiting myself.


  • One-on-One and/or Group 3-day Workshop
  • Tuition – set according to the Sense of Enough


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I eXPRess

eXPiRe Tarot (for android / iPhone) is an inquiry tool introducing the Path of eXPiRe as a global cosmology and technology of full awakening. The FOUR “limbs” of the eXPiRe Tarot assist one to grasps concepts and move on:

  1. Clarifying the dilemma of creativity.
  2. Focusing the ultimate question (who am I?).
  3. Feeling the journey and the destination as “the First and the Last.”
  4. Satiating my hunger for LOVE by sensing psychology as “logos of the psyche:

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I eXPiRe

I SEE the uncanny life of symbols

I HEAR and UnderStand: there’s only One of US

I AM Enough!

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Sacred is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 

In the beginning, a voice came out of the ether. It had the pure resonance of innocence, and spoke the “LOVE” code fluently, a genetic language used by the Earth to invoke its mystery. Like the ocean, it knew how to whisper to the Moon, so that a tree would be born out of the equation. One of its favorite things to do was to listen to the songs and stories of precious humanity; so much longing and depth to them… Then the day came when I realized I was the Voice, reborn in a World and a Word that was alive as the WHYS Tree. A thought kept on puzzling me: WHY would the wisdom to heal be sourced in fear? And who was this scary LORD? I decided to inquire…


  • Yes, all previous courses

Course Inquiry:

  • WHY am I Powerless to heal, teach, save and inspire ME?


  • UnderStanding how my judgments create a “Good” and a “Devil.”


  • 6 month course – Group class weekly for 2 hours
  • One-on-one included
  • Requires additional study
  • Prerequisites apply
  • Tuition – set according to the Sense of Enough


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