The Gold of XPR

The Gold of XPR

Movie Instructions

  1. I click the number generator: which video “picked” me? 
  2. I watch the video. 
  3. I ask myself: WHY this video? What touched me the most?

Generate #

Golden XPR :: 1 – The Vision

Golden XPR :: 2 – A Nature-tongue

Golden XPR :: 3 – The Hunger for LOVE

Golden XPR :: 4 – The True & the Truth

5 :: The Power of WHYS

6 :: WHY the XPR Agreements?


General_XPR_individual_images - receive.jpg

Game Instructions:

  1. I complete the stem sentence: WHY do I think I CAN’T__________?
  2. I press the “Generate” button below to obtain a random number from 1 to 35.
  3. I select the corresponding number from the number selector below and read the page (preferably aloud).
  4. I “receive” the word(s) that create an emotional disturbance as an answer to my query.

Generate #:


General_XPR_individual_images - receive.jpg

Movie Instructions

  1. I click the number generator: which video “picked” me?  
  2. I watch the video. 
  3. I ask myself: WHY this video? What touched me the most?

Generate #

Golden XPR :: 1 – The Vision

Golden XPR :: 2 – A Nature-tongue

Golden XPR :: 3 – The Hunger for LOVE

Golden XPR :: 4 – The True & the Truth

5 :: The Power of WHYS

6 :: WHY the XPR Agreements?


General_XPR_individual_images - receive.jpg

Game Instructions:

  1. I complete the stem sentence: WHY do I think I CAN’T__________?
  2. I press the “Generate” button below to obtain a random number from 1 to 35.
  3. I select the corresponding number from the number selector below and read the page (preferably aloud).
  4. I “receive” the word(s) that create an emotional disturbance as an answer to my query.

Generate Random #:

Select my random #

Or select optional #


General_XPR_individual_images - receive.jpg

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