Intending to mark his refusal to accept quantum probabilities, Einstein stated “I’m convinced that God does not play dice.” To which Niels Bohr, another brilliant physicist, replied “Einstein, stop telling God what to do!”
Step 1: I complete the stem sentence in the form below: I want to know WHY I would choose to think I CAN’T _______ (e.g.; find a job, be patient, etc.).
Step 2: I ask for truth, and generate a number via the random number generator below.
Step 3: I select the resulting number from the pull-down menu and read the corresponding sentence as a hint towards helping me deepen my inquiry.
Below is a form to support my inquiry process using the code for the how "TALK-SICK" is my Story. Instructions: Step 1: I complete the stem sentence in the form below: I want to know WHY I would choose to think I CAN'T _______ (e.g.; find a job, be patient, etc.). Step 2: I ask for truth, and generate a number via the random number generator below. Step 3: I select the resulting number from the pull-down menu and read the corresponding sentence as a hint towards helping me deepen my inquiry. Please note: emPowering NOW does not save any of my private data after this page is closed or after this form is submitted. If I would like to receive an email with my inquiry notes, I remember to press the "Submit" button at the bottom of the form.
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