The big WHY of the LOVE that has No Opposite is to inspire such finality of decisiveness that you and I become willing to do what it takes to move out of “Scare City” and free our mind from its bondage to fear and lack.
Its big HOW is to reveal a metalanguage (a language beyond languages) that vibrates at the frequency of “enough,” a sacred language whose resonance lights a path by which to restore health in all levels of communication.
The law of attraction (LOA) is the principle that positive thoughts, emotions and actions lead to positive outcomes, while negative thoughts, emotions and actions lead to negative outcomes. In that sense, the LOA mirrors the belief in karma. Both are based on the law that energy follows thought, and that what we focus on is what we attract.
Through this course, a greater understanding of the Self and of the world is revealed. To this end, this interactive group course offers reliable and no-nonsense codes for illuminating even the darkest, and most persistent and persnickety ego patterns. This results in more peace and more empowerment.
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