The WHYS Game Journal
UnderStand. Choose Peace. emPower the NOW
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I complete the stem sentence: "I wish to know WHY I think I can't _____________"
I wish to know WHY I think I can't .....
Which random number / letter "picked me"?
Pick the letter
1 = Aleph
2 = Beth
3 = Gimel
4 = Dalet
5 = Heh
6 = Vav
7 = Zayin
8 = Chet
9 = Teth
10 = Yod
11 = Kaph
12 = Lamed
13 = Mem
14 = Nun
15 = Samech
16 = Ayin
17 = Peh
18 = Tzaddi
19 = Qoph
20 = Resh
21 = Shin
22 = Tav
1. Aleph - How much failure do I still need to hear the wisdom of my heart?
2. Beth - Where am I giving my Power away and just trying?
3. Gimel - What am I afraid to lose? What do I Doubt I will ever get?
4. Dalet - Am I truer to commitments made to others than to myself?
5. Heh - What is my plan? What is it meant to “save” me from?
Am I willing to I ask 6. Vav - WHY [____] until I understand the root CAUSE of my resistance?
7. Zayin - Am I deciding out of resistance or out of Presence?
8. Chet - Might my preferences be limiting my movement?
9. Teth - WHY would I create a “God” that doesn’t hear my prayer?
10. Yod - Do I model the change I wish others would learn?
11. Kaph - Am I aborting my true birth by not wanting to pay the price?
12. Lamed - Would it release me to ask: “what would LOVE do now?”
13. Mem - WHY am I so angry? Did I just attach to a “should?”
14. Nun - What might I be reluctant to GIVE and forGIVE?
15. Samekh - Does the idea of mediocrity or ordinariness scare me to death?
16. Ayin - Am I choosing bondage, so as to not live alone/ALL One?
17. Peh - What will it take for me to ask and answer the ultimate question: who am I?
18. Tzaddi - How deep in the dark will I dive to get the pearl and share the light?
19. Qoph - Can I wait for the path to be CLEAR before my next word/action?
20. Resh - Am I playing small out of the fear of being divinely brilliant?
21. Shin - What mask must I take off to see “God” face-to-FAITH?
22. Tav - WHY being poor and sick when I could choose Health?
My insights...
What did this inquiry illuminate for me?
This inquiry opened me to seeing......
I am still confused about [_______]
Now, I would like to understand WHY.....
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