This Year in Jerusalem

WHY This Year in Jerusalem?

This course is delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

How much failure do you still need to hear the wisdom of your heart?

This course is delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

WHY Passover?

BECAUSE it names the problem (arrogance) and the solution (humility) by meaning “the mouth that speaks!”

Passover is an elaborate ritual involving purposefully ingesting symbolic foods: I do not eat an egg, but my resistance. I do not eat bitter herbs but my resentment. I do not eat a paste but the mortar (or the story) I worked up with as a slave. One month prior to Passover, I start looking for crumbs of bread in all I own. Do I realize that the “leaven” I seek to clear is my arrogance and that this “eating” of the painful yeast leads me to cross over?

This course is delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

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Playing with Golden XPR

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Golden XPR - To Infinity

This course is delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

Understand. Choose Peace. emPower the NOW

This course is delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

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