TABU - The Anarchist's Book of Understanding


Before starting this course, I must complete the prerequisite course: The LOVE Code

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WHY stopping yourself from asking for what you truly want?

Before starting this course, I must complete the prerequisite course: The LOVE Code 

TABU—acronym: The Anarchist’s Book of Understanding. 

Taboo or tabu—adj.: proscribed by society as improper or unacceptable. Prohibited from use or practice. Separated or set apart as sacred.

Understanding begins in a mental process and completes in a felt agreement, e.g.; I will only understand why I needed to be an alcoholic when I say that I will never have another drink, and actually never drink again. This is my crucifixion / “Curse-IS-fiction” moment – when the curse turns to a blessing. This understanding is SO big that XPR calls it “THE UnderStanding that there is only One of US.” Indeed, when I am not forbidding me to have what I say I want (in this example, sobriety), sobriety and I become an item – “One of US.” Therefore, if I don’t have the results which I say I want to have, it is because I am lying (first taboo: “did you call me a liar?”). Yes, I did and I do: I call me a liar when the results I have contradict the words I speak.

Before starting this course, I must complete the prerequisite course: The LOVE Code


Golden XPR - To Infinity...

Understand. Choose Peace. emPower the NOW

Before starting this course, I must complete the prerequisite course: The LOVE Code

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