All ancient traditions allude to a great Power that lives in everyone and everything, a Power by which to transcend any challenge. But it is as if a global event wiped out our memory of it, leaving us disconnected. Where is the lost symbol by which to interface with the cosmic forces, heal our bodies, and abort the great tragedies that humankind is now facing? At a time of epic transformation where a pandemic raised the ante on stepping into authentic leadership, communication is of the essence.
We now require the visionary revelation of a metalanguage – a language behind all languages. Many endeavored to fulfill this need, each time being dismissed as idealists. However, the need has become burning enough to mother its invention as the unity that sustains a global cosmology.
Cosmology: the branch of philosophy dealing with the universe’s origin, its laws and elements, especially space, time, causality, and freedom.
The cosmology operating now sees a mechanical universe split from consciousness. If there is a quantum science deconstructing the assumptions of classical science (is there an “out there” out there?), there must be a quantum religion deconstructing the assumptions of classical religion. When the scriptures are not out there but in here, they are soon “in HEAR.”
While quantum science marks a new beginning for physics, it is our vision that the quantum QKabbalah introduced here ushers a needed reboot of religion.
The idea to empower ourselves by feeling the Bible’s atomic level (the “small” world of codes) is certainly crazy enough to work. What if this transmission was a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to destroy the greed that devastates the planet? What if it exploded the cravings keeping us from transitioning into the knowing that we are enough?
Understand, choose Peace, emPower the NOW via a universal code to hear/SEE the soul of perennial truths… We call this metalanguage “S/Hebrew” [shee-broo], as it is when Hebrew goes global, ecological and unisex as the language of sacred geometry.
Simplifying Consciousness is the result of 52 years of combined efforts. As such, it is understandably a big piece to digest. So please, take as much time as you need to chew on it, savor it and contemplate it. By the same token, any final feedback would be very appreciated as we envision to go into publication by mid-July.
Here is what we have in mind. We will send you an email in approximately 3 weeks after you downloaded the book and check in with you to see where we are in this process.
Maha & Michael
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Enjoy your journey through Simplifying Consciousness – The quantum decoding of the soul of the “S/Hebrew” Scriptures!
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Please use this form for interim and final feedback for the book, The Code of Opposites. With many thanks! the emPowering NOW team UnderStand. Choose Peace. emPower the NOW
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Please use this form for interim and final feedback for the book, The Code of Opposites. With many thanks! the emPowering NOW team UnderStand. Choose Peace. emPower the NOW
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