The PaRaDiSe Circle - (via zoom)

Can you relate?

PaRaDiSe_Circle - 6-Paradisec-01.png

Just how much do you want for your voice to be heard?

WHY Honesty in PaRaDiSe?

We are ordinary people, gathering to practice deep introspection as a way to come to know ourselves, and solve everyday problems. We believe that it is our judgments that keep us disconnected from the sounds of silence, taking away the possibility to feel and sense ourselves. Eventually we can no longer say what we mean, or mean what we say. Moreover, since communication is not what is said and done, but the result of what is said and done, we can’t get no satisfaction.

To answer what seems like a hopeless quest, Golden XPR offers a radical inquiry. It is our hypothesis that Sacred Geometry infuses life into the Word, allowing an alignment between what we say, and what others actually understand. Each time we engage in this form of unlearning, we feel the UnderStanding that there is only One of US. The cosmos rejoices as we “eXPeRience” an increase in authenticity, and discover that honesty is the secret to sustaining the “Sense of Enough…”

PaRaDiSe Circle Logistics

The attendance of 5 or more participants is requested for a PaRaDiSe Circle to take place. Each circle is 60-minutes long. We meet on the Mondays at 7P Central Time. Events are non-sequential, each circle having its own momentum and integrity. Guests are welcome – first month free. When ready to register, select your monthly contribution via the enroll buttons on this page. Membership to the PaRaDiSe Circle includes foundational resource materials and access to online circles via Zoom.

Current meetings: 

Topic: PaRaDiSe Circle Online :: Mondays
Date: Every week on Monday 
Time: 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)         
Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 121 550 820
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Recommendationwatch the 12 minute movie titled The Genesis Movement | here.   

Membership to the PaRaDiSe Circle allows you to participate in any circles – as many as you like.

This is a beginning. Other time options will be forthcoming

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