The Hero's 12-Step Journey into QKabbalah

About Daniel

Serving humanity is the best work of life.

I help people leverage their experience, gifts and talents with an applied and practical leadership structure; facilitating deep self-inquiry, tapping dormant Inner-Leader resources to improving personal, professional, team and organizational performance – being the authentic S/hero or Hero of your own life and within your communities of choice.

Journey with Daniel

Interested in working with me?  Below are the steps and a bit of information on what to expect.

Thanks so much for your interest in my updated offerings.

 These transformational services blend my life experience with my deepened calling to be an agent of change

In a nutshell, this is a synthesis that integrates several streams of my own life’ work:  1) the S/Hero’s journey, 2) my extensive and embodied experience in 12-step recovery work, and 3) the new addition of deep shadow work via the PaRaDiSe Mystery School / Golden  

So, to see if this may be a yes/yes, the very first step in this process is a brief meeting to connect and / or re-connect.

After our “meet and greet,” we will jointly decide whether or not to schedule a complimentary session entitled “WHY is Power such a Mystery“.

Thanks for your interest!  I really look forward to deepening our relating in this mystery school intro session!

This exploratory meeting is a practical and interactive shadow work experience of the PaRaDiSe mystery school via an inquiry conversation titled: “WHY is Power Such a Mystery.”

Between now and the time we meet, I invite you to contemplate and decide on a topic for us to explore together. Here is the seed sentence for doing so:

  • I wish to know WHY I would choose to think I CAN’T ____________ [example topics: family, food/health, sex/relationship, money/career, etc.]

For our meeting, please plan on 60-90 minutes of uninterrupted time. Ideally, you will have privacy and will be able to join the zoom meeting with a laptop or desktop computer with a screen large enough to allow you to easily see and read the display (much of what we do is visual).

Below are the links we may refer to during our meeting. Please review as much (or as little) as your interest allows. As you do so, please write down your insights and questions.

  • emPowering NOW – especially “What best describes your mission?” (coach, seeker, emissary, visionary) | here
  • The Bottom Line | here
  • WHY is Power such a Mystery? | here
  • Intro eBook (free) | here 
  • About the business model for this work | here

Again, I look forward to being with you soon. If you have not already done so, you may schedule your complementary meeting via the button below.

After our Power Mystery conversation, there there are a number of options:

  • You are not interested: thanks but no thanks!
  • You are not interested right now (for whatever reason): we will jointly agree whether or not to set a time for a follow up visit.
  • You want to “kick the tires” and check out the group course (first month free). Logistics | here
  • You decide to register to attend group course ($50 / month) | here.
  • You decide to register for 3 month trial of a 1-on-1 coaching engagement with Daniel.

Be the change...

Daniel Maldonado
The PaRaDiSe Mystery School Offer

Courses & Tools (Included in Daniel’s program): 
  • The Love that has No Opposite (forthcoming) 
  • A Tarot to eXPiRe: this tool invites me on a journey through the felt sense of 22 tarots / Torah signs, for the me who wonders what my purpose and/or superpower is. It helps me with the BIG questions: what is real? Where am I going? What should I do?
  • The PaRaDiSe Circle Course & Tools. WHY?
    • BECAUSE the circle, as a geometry, asks me a very real question: am I in or out?
    • BECAUSE of the PaRaDoX: am I secure enough to allow myself to be distressed when comfortable and comforted when distressed?
    • BECAUSE, to live in the PaRaDiSe “orchard” where following my heart is a pleasure, I must knock on the door of the “PaRDeS” – a FOUR-lettered S/Hebrew word transmitting a FOUR-step process by which to synergize the FOUR functions of sensing, feeling, thinking and intuiting…
  • Welcome to Our Mystery School Course & Tools:  a synthesis of tools and teachings to guide the logistics of our one-on-one sessions, work between sessions function as a guide for the student who desire to deepen their studies working solo.
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