In consideration of being registered to participate in the Men’s Shadow Work Gathering hosted by InterventionEM and emPowering NOW LLC, you hereby agree to the following:
Waiver and hold harmless:
You have been made aware that the MENTORING/TRAINING RELATIONSHIP OF THIS EVENT IS IN NO WAY TO BE CONSIDERED OR CONSTRUED AS PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING OR ANY TYPE OF THERAPY. As much as InterventionEM and emPowering NOW LLC’s devotion and efforts are fully in support of you, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own results. You also agree to hold us free of all liability and responsibility for any actions or results for adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of specific referral or advice given by us. In the event that actions taken may require medical, legal or financial advice, you assume full responsibility to acquire said medical, legal or financial advice. As part of this agreement, you waive and release InterventionEM and emPowering NOW LLC and its agents from any claims that arise as a result from services. You understand that this Agreement is a legally binding agreement made under and governed by the Laws of the State of Texas.
Assumption of Risk:
You understand that participating in this workshop involves inherent risks of injury, including physical harm, property damage, and potential exposure to hazards related to shadow work. You voluntarily assume all such risks and agree to participate at your own risk.
You hereby release and waive any and all claims, demands, and causes of action against InterventionEM and emPowering NOW LLC, its employees, instructors, agents, and volunteers, for any injuries, damages, or losses that you may sustain while participating in the workshop, regardless of whether such injuries are caused by negligence on their part, except for gross negligence or intentional misconduct.
Confidentiality Clause:
Any information InterventionEM & emPowering NOW LLC is privy to will only be used for the purpose of rendering services to you. However communication between clients and InterventionEM & emPowering NOW LLC is not privileged and they may be obligated by law to disclose such information. We may also choose to share your experiences with other clients while maintaining your anonymity. Your right of privacy and confidentiality will be respected and protected to the best of our ability.
Following Safety Instructions:
You agree to follow all safety instructions and guidelines provided by the workshop instructor at all times.
Photo/Video Release:
You hereby grant InterventionEM and emPowering LLC the right to use photographs or videos taken during the workshop for promotional purposes.
Workshop content is for education purposes only. Those under 18 years of age should not attend without being accompanied by adult or legal guardian. Materials and information should not be used in place of professional medical and psychological treatment.
Agreement to Terms:
You have carefully read and fully understand the terms of this waiver and agree to be bound by its provisions.
Electronic Signature:
The parties agree that this Waiver Agreement is executed and delivered by electronic signatures and that the signatures are the same as handwritten signatures for the purposes of validity, enforceability and admissibility.
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