Cracking the GR-Code

WHY Cracking the GR-Code?

This course is delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

Do you wish, at times, that you could drop the plan, and stop counting ($$$, calories,days…)?

The courses are delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

WHY the Illusion of Separation?

I call it the mind-body connection, but what do I REALLY know about it? I’m told that the capacity to think is encrypted in my physiology, hinted at by my emotions, shaped by my motivations, acted upon by my body and made visible in “the World.” If so, I have a big problem: WHY the discrepancy between what I say I want and what I actually have. There must be something separating me from reality, that is, from “God.” To bridge what is and what is not, I could go beyond names, and dive into the Nothingness – a dream-like web embedded with all past and future memories. That’s what artists, mystics and geniuses do! Not only does this non-space inform my emotions, but it is also complex enough to transpose itself, and adapt to the information it receives from me. If I could transcend my fear of the abyss of Nothingness, I would make sense of who I am, “God,” and fulfill my dream by coming into the freedom to fully express myself…

The courses are delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.


Playing with Golden XPR

Entry courses

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Golden XPR - To Infinity

How could I stand in the presence of change, and not be so frightened?

The course are delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

Understand. Choose Peace. emPower the NOW

The courses are delivered One-on-One to members of the PaRaDiSe Mystery School.

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